Talia Atron

Talia was diagnosed with stage 3 metastatic cervical cancer and urgently needs meds
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Fund Owner:

Talia Atron



Family Status:

Mother of two smal children

Case Description:

Talia was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and needs expensive

Age: 49 Marital status: Mother of 2 small children Case Description:

Talia, a single mother of two small children, was diagnosed with stage 3 metastatic cervical cancer. Talia is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments and her doctor has recommended treatment with an expensive biological medication, which has been proven successful in cases identical to hers. The biological medication recommended is not provided by her health insurance.

The montly cost of the treatment is about 30,000 NIS ($8,450).


  • Donate by credit card
  • Donate by bank transfer
    Bank transfer in Israel: To Friends of Medicine, attention"Talia Atron" Bank Leumi, Branch No. 856, Account No. 76203/11 Bank transfer from abroad: IBAN IL580108560000007620311 Name of the account: HAVERIM LEREFUA SWIFT code: LUMIILITTLV To receive a receipt, please send a proof of transfer to: [email protected]


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