Crowdfunding Health

Joining Hands for a Common Cause

'Save a Life' Crowdfunding

Haverim l'Refuah collects valid medicines that are no longer used from private individuals, institutions and companies all over Israel. The medicines are collected volunteers and are delivered to the organization's medicine routing center, where they are sorted and checked by qualified pharmacists, entered into the organization's computerized database and housed under pharmacy conditions.

To Open Your Own Crowdfund
  • Purim Gift

    Purim Gift Life-Saving Fund

    Providing Lifesaving Medication: Your donation today gives hope for a better tomorrow
  • SkinHope

    SkinHope Foundation

    Gift Light and Hope - in Honor of Dr. Roni's 50th birthday!
  • קירה

    Kira Popov

    Recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer, Kira needs an expensive life-saving treatment
  • Amit Saar

    Amit Saar

    During Amit's military service, he felt unwell, and now needs life-saving treatment
  • Nadav Guy
  • Chenania

    Chenania Fever Modvelo

    Chenania was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and needs expensive medication
  • Hagai
    Hagai drowned in a pool at the age of 5 and was left disabled, with severe medical problems
  • Noam and Shir
    Some Puzzles Can't be Solved On Your Own
  • Ilan Kahila
    Ilan was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his brain and needs expensive treatment in Germany Age
  • Ilanit Kapah

    Ilanit Kapah

    Ilanit was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and needs two expensive medications
  • Meir

    Meir Mishan

    Meir was diagnosed with metastatic cancer about two months ago and needs expensive medicine
  • Hanna

    Hanna Leotzi Azoulai

    Diagnosed with bowel cancer, Hanna needs treatment with an expensive life-saving medicine
  • Sting and Honey

    Thanks to you, we will turn the sting into honey

    Your help can decide the life story of Ido, Adel, Maayan and many others who are fighting for their lives!
  • Ofer Efraim

    Ofer Efraim Yitzhakov

    Ofer Efraim has metastatic pancreatic cancer and needs an expensive medicine to save his life!!
  • Shana Tova 2024

    Shana Tova!

    !Help us provide free medicines to the needy
  • Simon Sasson

    Simon Sasson

    Simon has been suffering from the degenerative disease ALS for several years
  • In Memory of Oren Simcha Noah

    A Momentary Ray of Joy

  • Joseph Mishali

    Joseph Mishali

    Joe was diagnosed with lung cancer, needs an expensive life-saving med ($6,000 per month
  • Yaakov Ben Shimon

    Yaakov Ben Shimon

    Yaakov was diagnosed with cancer, needs an inexpensive medicine not covered by insurance
  • Frieda

    Frieda Gent

    Frieda was diagnosed with cancer and needs an expensive drug that is not included in her health insurance
  • Yishai and Omer

    Yishai and Omer

    Yishai and Omar do not know each other but they both have a common destiny - an expensive medicine that will save their lives!
  • Gal Lavie

    Gal Lavie

    Gal, mother of a little girl, needs expensive life-saving treatment abroad
  • Hadas S.

    Hadas S.

    Hades was born with Noonan syndrome, urgently needs an operation in the US
  • guy

    Guy Bismut

    Guy, father of two small children was diagnosed with cancer and needs expensive medicine
  • Golan Yaniv

    Golan Yaniv

    41 year-old father of three, diagnosed with ALS
  • Passover Tzeddakah

    Tzeddakah for Passover

    Why 7,000?
  • Grow up

    What Will They Be When They'll be Grown Up?

    Let's Find Out Together!
  • Tzahi

    Tzahi Yaakovi

    Help save Tzachi's leg from amputation
  • Tal'Or

    Tal'Or Green

    Tal'Or is dealing with complex trauma and anxiety
  • Tzvi

    Zvi Turkov

    Zvi, 52, the father of an IDF soldier and a 15-year-old boy, needs expensive treatment in Germany
  • Noa and Assaf

    Noa and Assaf need medicine

    Noa, 15 years old, Assaf, 12 years old, and others need Keytruda
  • גולדי

    Goldie Rubenstein

    19-year-old Goldie has been subjected to severe violence since her birth and now needs expensive treatmentSingle female
  • Moshe Z.

    Moshe Z.

    Moshe was diagnosed about 3 years ago with cancer and now needs an expensive, life-saving medicine.
  • Michal

    Michal Sinwani

    Michal, mother of eight, has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer and needs an expensive medicine that costs NIS 53,000 per month
  • yoav Cohen

    Yoav Cohen

    Yoav was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor and needs expensive medicine
  • Fight
    Five patients are fighting for their lives and need an expensive medicine.
  • Rachel Shenhav

    Rachel Shenhav

    Rachel was diagnosed with cancer and urgently needs an expensive drug that costs $2,300 per month
  • Vita

    Vita Cohen

    Her cancer has worsened: she urgently needs life-saving medicine!
  • Gdalia

    Gadalia Winafel

    Gadalia needs expensive treatment
  • At war

    Reservists, evacuees and needy people across Israel

    Mobilizing together to supply medicines and medical equipment
  • Michael Stratsenkov

    Michael Stratsenkov

  • Liora

    Liora Brurian-Nissan

    Liora was diagnosed with metastasized breast cancer and needs an expensive, life-saving medicine
  • Geula

    Geula Marks

    23-year-old young Geula was diagnosed with lung cancer and needs a life-saving medicine!
  • Ruth

    Ruth Hota

    Ruth was diagnosed with cancer and her condition has gotten worse. The medicine that may save her life costs NIS 42,519 per month.
  • אייל בן נעים

    Eyal Ben Naim

    Eyal, the father of 2 little girls, was diagnosed with stomach cancer.
  • Naya

    Naya, we are with you

    aya, 17 years old, was diagnosed with melanoma cancer and needs expensive treatment at a cost of 28,000 per month
  • Chronic

    A crowdfund to purchase medicine for the chronically ill

    Medicine or food? This is a question no one should be asking
  • Carmit

    Carmit Mor

    Needs an urgent lung transplant due to COPD
  • Chaya

    Cohen Chaya Paz

    Chaya Paz was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and needs expensive medicine
  • Guy Z

    Guy Zelikson

    Young Guy has cancer and needs private treatments
  • Girls

    Aid fund for victims of sexual assault

    Dozens of girls and women who were severely assaulted in their childhood need long-term psychological and psychiatric treatment at high cost
  • tom1

    Tom David Kalman Hillel

    ittle Tom needs urgent heart transplant
  • Padsev

    Roni, Shmuel, Ze'ev and Uriel

    Roni, Shmuel, Ze'ev and Uriel, ALL aged 50 and over with aggressive bladder cancer
  • Ludmila

    Ludmila Etienne

    Ludmila needs treatment for endometrial cancer
  • Retevmo


    Mali, a little girl needs the drug RETEVMO for cancer
  • Lior and Noam

    Lior and Noam need Alesensa, an expensive medicine that is not in their health insurance
  • Tamodel

    Shiri and other patients

    Temodal medicine for Shiri and other patients
  • ויטה

    Avi, Noa and Moran

    Avi, Noa and Moran dream of growing up like any healthy child
  • Gila

    Gila Boyom

    Gila was diagnosed with a rare, stage 3 cancer
  • A crowdfund to purchase medicine for chronic diseases
    Medicine or food? This is a dilemma we believe no one should face
  • Tom Novikov

    Tom Novikov

    Stem-cell transplant for a 5-year old child
  • Leanne

    Leanne Ben Eliezer

    Only expensive medical treatment abroad can stop Leanne's disease
  • Yonatan Porat

    Yonatan Porat

    Jonathan fell ill at the age of 8.5 with a progressive disease due to a genetic mutation
  • Orly Manos

    Orly Manos

    Orly collapsed when pregnant in 2012
  • Nikita Orlov

    Nikita Orlov

    Injured in a road accident, in need of expensive treatments
  • Save the lives of 4 Cancer Patients
    For metastisized, aggressive cancer
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