Purim Gift Life-Saving Fund

Providing Lifesaving Medication: Your donation today gives hope for a better tomorrow
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Fund Owner:

Purim Gift Life-Saving Fund

Case Description:

There are moments in life that remind us how fragile happiness is. Hadas, a sweet girl who is about to turn 12, dreams of her Bat Mitzvah party. She wants to dance with her friends, plan her dress, and celebrate this special transition to girlhood - just like any other girl her age.


But the reality is different. Leukemia has confined Hadas to bed, and her only hope lies in a medication called Jakavi, which costs 11,397 NIS ($3,200) per month - an amount beyond her family's reach.


And like Hadas, Lior is also struggling. He too needs the same expensive medication to fight his disease, but the high costs are making his fight for life difficult.


In these very moments, Hadas and Lior are waiting. They are not asking for expensive gifts or big dreams - they just want the basic right to live, to heal, to dream. The medication that could save their lives is so close, and yet - so far away.


Every minute that passes is critical. As we read these words, entire families are praying for a financial miracle that will allow them to give their children life-saving medication. Your donation today is that miracle.


Your donation is to our Expensive Medication program and thanks to you we will be enable thousands of patients to receive the life-saving medications they need.


This is not just another donation - this is real life saving. Together, we can make the impossible possible.


You can be the difference between despair and hope, between darkness and light, between life and death. Join us today - because tomorrow may be too late.

  • Donate by credit card
  • Donate by bank transfer
    Bank transfer in Israel: Attention: Haverim L'Refuah, for the "Expensive Medication Program" Bank Leumi, Branch No. 856, Account No. 2838795 Bank transfer from abroad: IBAN: IL04 0108 5600 0000 2838 795 Name of the account: HAVERIM LEREFUA SWIFT code: LUMIILITTLV To receive a receipt, please send a transfer reference to: [email protected]


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