Joseph Mishali

0Joe was diagnosed with lung cancer, needs an expensive life-saving med ($6,000 per month
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Family Status:

Married father of three

Case Description:

In August 2000, Joseph was diagnosed with stage 4 , metastasized lung cancer. During a medical examination, he suffered urgent heart problems. He began chemotherapy treatments and biological therapy.


After several rounds of treatment, intestinal inflammation occurred, causing treatments to cease. Joe Joseph was in remission from cancer for a year, after which problems arose with his heart and intestine. A year ago, the cancer came back in a metastatic form, and again they started chemotherapy and Keytruda. He underwent surgery to remove the tumor, but it was not possible to remove everything. In the meantime, the tumor continued to grow, the attending physician recommended a treatment that is not in his health insurance. The cost per month is about NIS 22,000($6,000)  per month.

  • Donate by credit card
  • Donate by bank transfer
    Bank transfer in Israel: For Haverim L'Refuah, for Joseph Mashali. Bank Leumi, Branch 856, Account No. 7459284 Bank transfer from abroad: IBAN: IL530108560000007459284 Name of the account: HAVERIM LEREFUA SWIFT code: LUMIILITTLV To receive a receipt, please send proof of transfer to: [email protected]


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